Оборудование для пивоварения зерна

оборудование для пивоварения зерна

Home beer brewing is a popular hobby that produces high quality craft beers. With the right оборудование для пивоварения зерна, beer enthusiasts can recreate commercial style beers at home. This guide will provide a comprehensive overview of the equipment required, from basic kits for beginners to advanced systems for experienced homebrewers.

Equipment Guide

The main types of grain brewing equipment are:

  • Заварочные чайники – The fundamental vessel used for mashing grains and boiling wort. Available in stainless steel or aluminum. Sizes range from 5 gallons to 15+ gallons.
  • Заторные бочки – Insulated vessels used for mashing grains. Usually accompanied by a false bottom or stainless steel braid to filter grain particles.
  • Ферментеры – Food-grade plastic buckets or glass/stainless steel carboys used for fermenting beer. Available in 3-10 gallon sizes.
  • Аксессуары – Equipment for moving liquids, regulating temperature, measuring ingredients, etc. e.g. hoses, pumps, chillers, thermometers, hydrometers.

оборудование для пивоварения зерна

Типы оборудования

Оборудование Описание Entry Level Option Advanced Option
Заварочный чайник Fundamental vessel for mashing grains and boiling wort. 5-gallon stainless steel pot 10-15 gallon stainless steel kettle with thermometer
Сусловарочный цех Insulated vessel for mashing grains, usually with false bottom or filter to separate wort. 5-10 gallon plastic cooler cooler with stainless braid/copper manifold Custom stainless steel mash tuns with temperature controls
Ферментер Food-grade plastic bucket or glass/stainless steel carboy for fermenting beer. 6.5 gallon plastic bucket fermenter with lid and airlock 7 gallon stainless steel conical fermenter with temperature control
Аксессуары Equipment for moving liquids, regulating temperature, taking measurements. Nylon hoses, copper wort chiller, plastic paddles, hydrometer Stainless steel transfer pumps, plate chiller, stainless steel spoon, refractometer

Обзор процесса пивоварения

The basic homebrewing process with grain brewing equipment is:

  1. Затирание – The mash tun is filled with crushed grains and hot water for enzymatic conversion of starches into fermentable sugars. The mixture is held at 148-158°F for 60-90 minutes.
  2. Лаутеринг – The sweet wort is drained from the grains in the mash tun through the false bottom or filter leaving behind the grain husks. Water is rinsed over grains to extract more sugars.
  3. Кипячение – The wort is boiled in the brew kettle for 60-90 minutes with hops added at intervals to impart bitterness, flavor, and aroma. Proteins and compounds are coagulated.
  4. Охлаждение – The hot wort is rapidly chilled after the boil to 60-70°F to avoid off-flavors before transferring to the fermenter.
  5. Ферментирование – Yeast is pitched into the cooled wort in the fermenter. Over 2+ weeks yeast ferments sugars into alcohol and CO2 conditioning the beer.
  6. Упаковка – The fermented beer is carbonated, bottled or kegged for serving.

Equipment Capacity, Dimensions and Customization

Оборудование Диапазон производительности Типовые размеры Параметры настройки
Заварочные чайники 5-30 gallon batches 16-24 inches diameter, 16-32 inches tall Material choice (stainless, aluminum, ceramic), thermometers, sight glasses, ball valves, pumps, controllers
Сусловарочные башни 5-20 gallon batches Coolers: 48-108 quarts Cylinders: 12-30 inches diameter, 12-36 inches tall False bottom design, filter type, insulation thickness, thermometers, sight glasses, ball valves, controllers
Ферментеры 3-15 gallon batches Buckets: 12-20 inches diameter, 15-35 inches tall Carboys: 6-14 inches diameter, 15-30 inches tall Material choice (plastic, glass, stainless), conical vs. cylindrical, temperature controls, pressure capable

Оборудование для пивоварения зерна Поставщики и ценовые диапазоны

Оборудование Entry Level Supplier & Price High End Supplier & Price
Brew Kettle Kits Northern Brewer – $100 to $250 Blichmann Engineering – $500 to $1,200
Mash Tun Kits Northern Brewer – $100 to $200 Stout Tanks – $800 to $2,000
Ферментеры Adventures in Homebrewing – $30 to $200 Ss Brewtech – $300 to $800
Immersion Wort Chillers Northern Brewer – $70 to $150 Jaded Brewing – $200 to $500
Plate Chillers Adventures in Homebrewing – $90 to $250 Blichmann Engineering – $300 to $700

Мини пивоваренное оборудование

Установка, эксплуатация и обслуживание

Задание Instructions Частота
Установка Review equipment instructions for capacities, temperatures, pressures etc. Connect hoses, cables, controllers per diagrams. One time
Очистка Use appropriate cleaners for equipment material (e.g. PBW). Scrub then rinse with hot water or chemical sanitizers. Every batch pre- and post-brew
Замена Monitor for leaks, blockages, performance issues. Replace worn parts like o-rings, ball valves, braids etc. Every 5-10 batches or per manufacturer
Калибровка Ensure accurate readings on temperature controllers and density meters via calibration. Once per year

How to Choose Grain Brewing Equipment

Критерии Руководство по оценке
Размер партии Match equipment capacities to typical batch volumes – account for double batches. Standard is 5-10 gallons.
Бюджет All grain equipment has wide cost range. Set budget then identify best value equipment components.
Мощность Ensure adequate electrical for heating elements and temperature controllers. Plan 220V for 4500W+ elements.
Материалы Stainless steel preferred for durability but aluminum or glass also common for cost savings. Ensure food-safe.
Quality Components Seek reputable supplier brands for kettles, tuns, chillers etc. Select thick stainless steel with tri-clad bottom.
Простота использования Pick equipment like pumps and chillers that reduce heavy lifting. Prioritize easy cleanability and maintenance.
Уборка и санитария Review product ease of cleaning and compatibility with various cleaners and sanitizers like Star San and PBW.
Размеры Measure space in brewery to ensure all equipment can fit together properly with room for movement.
Гибкость Pick tun sizes to accommodate different batch sizes and brewing styles like lagers and high gravity beers.

Comparing Pros and Cons of Оборудование для пивоварения зерна

Entry Level Brew Kettle Kits

Плюсы Cons
Lower cost stainless models available Thinner metals may dent
Typically include ball valves for transfers Smaller sizes limit batch lengths
Offer kits tailored to home brewing Maximum temperatures may be capped
Provide all fundamental brewing capability May eventually want to upgrade higher quality kettle

Конические ферментеры

Плюсы Cons
Compact size uses less space Much more expensive than plastic buckets
Easy transfer of beers with bottom ports Heating and cooling requires temperature controllers
Allows closed transfers limiting oxygen exposure Conicals difficult to properly clean without special tools
Stainless models match pro breweries Typically only larger volumes 6 gallons+

Additional Comparisons

Plastic Bucket vs. Glass Carboy Fermenters

  • Plastic is lighter, cheaper, and less fragile but scratches easily and is more oxygen permeable.
  • Glass allows you to visually monitor fermentation, but is heavy, breakable, and costs more.

Immersion vs Plate Wort Chillers

  • Immersion chillers are simple to use and cheaper, but slower to chill wort and hard to fully sanitize.
  • Plate chillers provide fast chilling and better sanitation but have lower hot side aeration risk and higher equipment cost.

Дополнительное оборудование для пивоварения

While a basic all-grain brewing setup requires a mash tun, kettle, and fermenter, there is other equipment that can improve efficiency, convenience and end product quality:


  • Help move liquid between vessels without lifting and pouring
  • Reduce heavy lifting of hot/full kettles and carboys
  • Impellers must be cleaned and sanitized to avoid contamination
  • March or Chugger pumps popular among homebrewers


  • Provide high heat output to boil wort and maintain mash temperatures
  • Propane burners offer portability and low cost
  • Electric heating elements allow more automation
  • High wattage (3500W+) required for 5+ gallon batches

Grain Mills

  • Freshly crushed grains have better efficiency and flavor
  • Consistent crush essential for good lautering and clear wort
  • Corona and Barley Crusher popular quality grain mill brands
  • Must be properly adjusted and cleaned to avoid stuck sparges

Уборка и санитария

  • PBW and Star San leading cleaning/sanitizing products
  • Rotation of cleaners prevents build up and resistance
  • Clean during brewing to prevent baked-on residue
  • Carefully sanitize fermenters, chillers, pumps to prevent infections
  • Store grains properly to avoid molds and oxidation

Контроль температуры брожения

  • Precise temp control during fermentation reduces off-flavors
  • Cooler temps promote clean lager characteristics
  • Consistent ale temps maximize intended ester development
  • Glycol chillers, heat belts, or fermentation chambers used

Управление дрожжами

  • Pitching enough healthy yeast is critical for quality beer
  • Starters propagate cell counts for proper fermentation
  • Stir plates and erlenmeyer flasks effectively grow starters
  • Store yeast properly before use for viability and vitality

Draft Systems

  • Complete draft/kegging systems available from homebrew suppliers
  • Force carbonate finished beers for serving on tap
  • Includes CO2 tank, regulators, kegs, shanks, faucets
  • Provides convenience of pub style pours at home

Расширенная автоматизация

  • Hybrid systems integrate electric heating and pumping
  • Programmable controllers manage mashing and fermentation
  • Recirculation during mashing increases efficiency
  • Requires electrical infrastructure and control knowledge

оборудование для пивоварения зерна


What are the most essential pieces of equipment for all grain brewing?

The absolute necessities are a mash tun for soaking grains, a boil kettle for boiling wort, a fermenter for fermentation, and accessories like an immersion chiller for cooling boiled wort. These pieces allow executing the fundamental brewing process.

What size brew kettle is best for 5 gallon all grain batches?

For a standard 5 gallon batch with potential for a 90 minute boil, an 8-10 gallon brew kettle is optimal. This allows adequate headspace to prevent boilovers. Experienced brewers may use 7.5-8 gallon kettles.

How many fermenters are recommended when starting all grain brewing?

When first getting into all grain brewing, beginning with two 6-7 gallon primary fermenters is recommended. This allows brewing consecutive batches and experimenting with different yeasts. Optionally add a secondary vessel for aging beers.

Is temperature control absolutely necessary for all grain homebrewing?

While many homebrewers start without temp control, managing fermentation temperatures is highly recommended for making clean consistent beer. Simple DIY insulation wraps help minimize swings. Getting a chamber or glycol system is ideal.

What efficiency differences exist between a plastic cooler mash tun and stainless steel tun?

Cooler mash tuns can achieve 60-75% brewhouse efficiency, with proper gap setting on the false bottom. All stainless steel mash tuns with insulation and tight precision parts can reach 75-85% efficiency regularly in the hands of an experienced brewer.

How many years does quality all grain equipment last?

Quality stainless steel brew kettles, conical fermenters, and mash tuns that are properly maintained can last more than 10 years for an avid homebrewer. Items with gaskets, o-rings and moving parts may need minor replacement parts after extended heavy use.

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