¿Qué debo comprar para empezar a elaborar cerveza en casa?

¿Qué debo comprar para empezar a elaborar cerveza en casa?

Do you want to brew beer at home but don’t know where to start? Maybe you’re switching from extract brewing to all-grain brewing. Either way, there’s tons of information out there that can be confusing. If you are new to homebrewing, you may wonder what homebrewing equipment you need to start brewing.

Whole Grain Brewing Ingredients

  • Malt: These are processed grains with a high natural starch content. Brewers use the starch to form sugar and eventually produce alcohol. Malted barley or malt is the grain of choice for brewers brewing beer, although many other malted and non-malted grains are often used.
  • Hops: Hops are the key to brewing beer. They give the beer flavor and aroma and help keep the beer fresher longer. In most brewing situations, some hops are boiled in the wort for 1-1.5 hours, during which time the “alpha acid” is the main bittering and preservative in the beer.
  • Yeast: Yeast is the most important element in the brewing process. Yeast converts sugar into alcohol. Most yeast manufacturers will indicate the “type” of beer for which the yeast is best suited to help you in the beginning.
  • Water: Pure, clean water is essential, as it makes up more than 85% of the beer. The better the water, the better the beer. With the right knowledge and adjustments, water can be the key to turning great beer into amazing beer!

Equipo de elaboración de cerveza casera

Equipo de elaboración de cerveza casera

Brewing beer at home becomes much easier with the right equipment and tools. There are a variety of brewing systems and accessories on the market that can be a little confusing for the novice hobbyist.

Brewing barrels

Bigger brewing pots are better. The more wort you boil, the more hops you can utilize and the clearer and lighter the beer will be. A brew kettle is a lifelong investment, and if you’re an extract brewer, you can still use your favorite brew kettle when you switch to all-grain brewing.

Brew pots are used to boil wort during the wort-making process. We recommend choosing a high-quality product, especially one made of 304 stainless steel. Resistance to corrosion and heat damage will prove its worth over time and last for years of use.

Cuba de maceración

The main performance requirement for a mash bucket is that it should be well insulated. For this reason, many home brewers will convert their coolers into their wort buckets. This is as simple as drilling and installing a faucet. You will also need a manifold or false bottom to prevent clogging. The manifold must fit. It can be a series of copper pipes with drilled holes. But it needs to work well because it is important for extracting the wort evenly from the grain. You need to get the wort to flow evenly through the grains rather than a furrowed stream. A false bottom can achieve the same result.

Matching fermentador

This is a key piece of equipment for any brewer. The fermenter is where the sugary solution (wort) made by steeping the malt in warm water absorbs the alcohol content.

The fermenter needs to be at least 30 liters in capacity, as most beer kits have a brewing capacity of 23 liters, and needs to allow for top space so that the foam created during fermentation does not wash out of the airlock. The fermenter needs to be made of food-grade materials, and it needs to be fitted with a volume scale on the side, a temperature strip, an airlock, and a tap with a sediment reducer.

Equipos de embotellado

Once the beer has finished fermenting, it needs to be packaged. Packaging also causes the beer to carbonate through secondary fermentation. There are several ways to do this, but bottles are the easiest. You can also reuse bottles and use commercially branded bottles. Therefore, it will become more cost-effective over time.

As with any packaging, you will need some additional equipment. Bottle cappers and caps are easy to use and don’t cost much. Always make sure they are clean and sanitized before using them. Use brown bottles as they reduce the risk of light exposure.

Sanitizers and cleaning supplies

Cleanliness is crucial when brewing beer or any type of alcoholic beverage. Before you start brewing, make sure all equipment is sanitized and clean. This will help ensure that your beer tastes delicious and is not contaminated. Some of the basic cleaning supplies you will need include a brush, some cleaning solution, and some towels. Using a no-rinse sanitizer is a good option.

Extraction kits or all-grain brewing?

There are two main categories of beer brewing. Each type of beer requires different equipment. Extraction beer kits are relatively simple and use less equipment. Malt comes in liquid form (malt extract). This means that you don’t need to mash any grains or boil any wort to brew beer. In turn, you do not need equipment for this step. We recommend starting with an extraction kit as it will help hone some basic brewing skills.

Additionally, you can use most of the equipment needed here for other brewing methods. All-grain is a more advanced method, but it is the “right” way to brew. You need to mash the grains and convert the starches into yeast-fermentable sugars. But an all-in-one system will make your life easier.

How much space do I need to start brewing?

Small breweries need enough storage space for raw materials such as malt, hops, yeast, and other brewing ingredients. In addition, aging kegs, kegs, and packaging materials need to be stored. Proper inventory management is essential to ensure the brewing process runs smoothly and avoid delays due to shortages. Consider the amount of raw materials and finished products you plan to store and how long you want to store them.

The size of the space depends on your production volume, growth projections, target market, and specific business goals.

Homebrewing Frequently Asked Questions

¿Cuánto se tarda en fabricar cerveza?

This question depends a lot on the style of beer, method, and process. A typical brew day lasts 3-6 hours, depending on equipment and process. Fermentation, carbonation, and conditioning usually take 2-3 weeks. My typical turnaround time from yeast pitching to pouring is about 3 weeks. If you’re bottle conditioning, it could be closer to 4 weeks.

Do I need a good conical fermenter to make good beer?

A conical fermenter helps with process control and more advanced beer styles and processes. A conical fermenter is very useful when brewing a hoppy IPA or lager. If you would like to know more, the micet group can help you with your questions.

Can I legally sell homebrewed beer?

No, you can’t. Selling homebrewed beer requires a commercial license and a variety of legal procedures. Technically, homebrewed beer is for personal consumption only.