Premier Marketplace pro vybavení pivovarů




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Hledáte pivovarské systémy pro pivovary?

Vítejte ve skupině Micet Group, kde neustále zaměřujeme své inženýrské a technické zdroje a odborné znalosti na vývoj technologií, inovací, nástrojů a systémů pro zlepšení provozu řemeslných pivovarů a výrobců nápojů. Pomáháme pivovarům dosáhnout jejich plného potenciálu, od projektů rozšiřování na zakázku až po kompletní výstavbu varny.

Small Batch Brewery System (1HL-10HL)

Větší není vždy lepší. V systému Small Batch System můžete vařit jakýkoli styl piva.

  • Experimentování s malými dávkami
  • More Variety Beers
  • Minimální náklady na spuštění
  • Zabírá méně místa
Více informací

Micro Craft Brewery System (10HL-30HL)

Protože jsou řemeslné pivovary malé, mají větší prostor pro inovace než komerční pivovary.

  • Větší nabídka kapacity
  • Nezávislé řemeslo
  • Segmenty průmyslového trhu
  • Nákladově efektivní rozšíření podnikání
Více informací

Commercial Brewery System (30HL-100HL)

Hodnota pro nás spočívá nejen v tom, že máte inženýrské schopnosti, ale i znalosti v oblasti pivovarnictví...

  • Rozšíření pivovaru
  • Prostorové, časové nebo rozpočtové problémy
  • Inovativní návrhy
  • Technologie velkých pivovarů
Více informací

Brewery Equipment Explore

For a loyal beer lover, starting your own brewery may be the ultimate dream. The process from a small home brewing beer business to a mature commercial brewing beer is a challenge. Any business idea requires a lot of planning, money, and perseverance to complete. Starting a brewery requires commercial equipment, which price determined by the size of the brewery. The greater the output of the brewery, the greater the capacity of beer equipment required. You also need to master the professional knowledge of brewing beer.

How to Start a Brewery?

What are the problems with starting a brewery?

If you are considering starting a brewery, please be sure to pay attention to these issues mentioned in this article, which will help you a lot.

These include grain silos, mills, weighing systems, mash tuns, pumps, lauter tuns, wort grants, coolers and aerators, brew kettles, yeast handling systems, fermenters, bright beer tanks, filters, and a variety of other tanks for mixing and storage.

For this first brew you’ll need:

  • A beer kit.
  • A fermenting bucket.
  • An airlock.
  • A tap or siphon.
  • A bottle stick.
  • A long stirrer.
  • Caps and a capper and some means to clean and sanitise your equipment.

Depending on your brewery size, acquiring a license and buying the good quality commercial brewing equipment, we can roughly estimate that it can go from $100,000 to $1million easily.

  • Write a Brewery Business Plan.
  • Choose a Brewery Concept.
  • Determine the Cost of Starting a Brewery.
  • Secure Brewery Funding.
  • Apply for Permits and Licenses.
  • Choose a Brewery Location.
  • Buy Brewery Equipment.
  • Create a Draft List and Menu.

Breweries have incredible profit potential – the gross profit margin on brews ranges between 74% and 92% . While breweries and taprooms do have other expenses such as food costs and additional labor, these expenses only expand your access to the thriving retail market that makes breweries so successful.

Ask yourself “Given a certain portion size and cost per draft beer, what price will allow you to achieve your target liquor cost?” The typical liquor cost range for craft beer is between 20% and 26%. Which means the craft beer profit margin is 74% to 80%.

Passion for your product is only 1 ingredient for building a successful business like the top craft beer breweries in the country. Taking risks, listening to customers, and collaborating with other, similar companies is their recipe for success.

Breweries in the United States spend annually over $200 Million on energy. Energy consumption is equal to 3 – 8% of the production costs of beer, making energy efficiency improvement an important way to reduce costs, especially in times of high energy price volatility.

Craft beer brewery /business tends to stay profitable from the word go as they have enough margins to support their operations whereas mass-market breweries have to generate bigger volume to support their operation cost.

Here are some tips craft brewery owners can use to manage their cash flow and increase their long-term rate of success.

  • Establish consistent cash flow monitoring processes.
  • Expedite your accounts receivables.
  • Take advantage of payment terms.
  • Use your space.
  • Accept various forms of payment.

Beer Sales Rep Responsibilities

This means individuals are highly motivated to sell businesses as much beer as they can. Good people skills are essential for beer sales reps, and networking, including socializing with clients, is also typically part of the job.

  • By training your bar staff and servers to upsell, you can significantly increase your sales.
  • Create Mocktails.
  • Boost Premium Liquor Sales.
  • Offer Free Tasting.
  • Update Your Menu.
  • Create a Cozy Bar Atmosphere.
  • Introduce Bar Games and Themed Nights.
  • Promote Your Bar on Social Media.

Spojte se s námi

Jedním z nejdůležitějších rozhodnutí, které může potenciální nový pivovar učinit, je navštívit naše inženýry a prodejce a prodiskutovat s nimi své potřeby. Naši pracovníci vám zodpoví všechny vaše konstrukční a technické otázky a půjdou do detailů.

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